Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - November 21, 2022 - Preempt response


Question: How should South respond to a North heart preempt with 2  hearts and 12 points?


The no-brainer, knee jerk advice is that South should Pass.  

Holding three hearts instead of two hearts, the no brainer, knee jerk advice would be that South should raise to 3H. 

HOWEVER, the two hearts South is holding are both honors. ALSO, East would appear to be the opponent holding most of the missing high cards which means the spade & diamond honors South is holding are likely to take tricks. AND FINALLY, NS are not vulnerable. Given those three considerations, I see the raise by South to 3H as a good aggressive defensive bid that partner would support. 

North, by the way, made an improper preemptive bid. A preemptive bid of 2H should promise EXACTLY a 6-card suit. North has a 7-card suit. Their bid should be 3H which South should definitely Pass. 

It is important to trust your partner. It is also important to be a partner they can trust in return. By bidding 2H with a 7-card suit, North was being an untrustworthy partner.

 Ain't bridge a great game?



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