Monday, December 12, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - December 19, 2022 - Going to Game


Question:  With a good hand, is it ever acceptable to go directly to game?


An opening preempt is never a good hand—it’s always a long suit with less than 13 points! A 2-level bid shows a 6-card suit, 3-level shows a 7-card, 4-level shows an 8-card suit. We usually do NOT open 5-♣️ or 5 ♦️; we open them 4 of the minor just in cast partner has a beautiful long major. The point of a preempt is to keep the opponents from finding their fit when you suspect they have enough points to bid game.

Never surprise partner on purpose—we all do that often enough without even trying,




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