Friday, December 23, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - January 2, 2023 - Slam bidding



W is holding 7S, 19 HCP and opens 4S. E is holding 11 HCP and since partner has bid game, passes.  The hand makes 7S. What would have been a better bidding sequence?


An opening bid of 4 ♥️ or ♠️ is a WEAK bid. It shows an 8-card suit and less than an opening hand!!!! This hand should be opened 1 ♠️ or some people might even open it two ♣️. Partner was totally correct to pass 4 ♠️.  

Hope this sentence makes sense to the players and helps them realize when a hand is weak or strong:  Opener jumps to game after a 1-level response from partner shows a GREAT Hand!!! 

Responder has a great hand after partner opens, he makes 1 or even 2 new suit forcing bids and then bids game, he showing an opening hand. 

****We move slowly with good hands (to determine if we have slam) and we go quickly with weak hands (almost a preemptive type bid).

Hope this helps,



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