Monday, December 26, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - January 23, 2023 - Overcall


Question:  How should North evaluate a potential heart overcall on this hand?


North has the right to expect that West holds the spade King, giving North two likely tricks in spades. Other than the two spade tricks, however, the North hand is not very impressive.  

I would expect North to conclude that overcalling at the three level, especially considering the fact that NS are vulnerable, would cross the line from a smart aggressive bid to a not so smart reckless bid. If I were North, I would Pass. 

Looks to me like an experienced EW pair, defending against a heart contract, would hold NS to 7 tricks (6 hearts + 1 spade). That would put a bid of 3H down two, giving EW a score of 200 points (500 points in the reasonably unlikely event of a penalty DBL). Either would be a better score than EW would have earned had they been allowed to play a 2S contract.  

Speaking of reckless bids, that is exactly how I would rate the opening 2S bid by West, holding no spade honors higher than the Ten. If West does not open 2S, it is difficult to imagine NS will not find a heart contract, possibly even a game level contract of 4H. By opening 2S, West prevented himself/herself + partner from earning the higher score they could have earned by defending against a heart contract.  

Ain't bridge a great game?


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