Friday, December 23, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - January 9, 2023 - Bid



E has 14 HCP and opens 1 D, partner has 8 HCP and bids 1 S, E bids 1 NT and W passes. The hand makes 2 NT. 

Should W have bid 2 S to indicate 5? Could this hand have scored higher in S instead of NT?


  How sad that people don’t know how to show their shape and their points in the same bid!!!! W must bid 2 ♥️ !  It doesn’t show extra points, it shows 5 ♠️ and 4 ♥️; not more points.

Now partner can make an intelligent bid because he knows partner is 5-4 in the Majors. Don’t leave partner out to dry, when you can show your shape and your points in one bid!

Hope this helps,


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