Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - March 13, 2023 - Slam bidding



W has 17 hcp and opens 1D, responder has 18 hcp bids a jump-shift to 2S. W sensing slam looks for aces and kings and bids 6S. E had difficulty with this hand and went down 2. Would it have been better in 6NT played from the W? And who takes it there, W or E ?



Open can jump shift into a 4-card suit BECAUSE he has already bid his best suit. 


 I repeat myself many times and I still can’t make people understand, but I will try again. We go SLOWLY with GOOD HANDS and we go FAST with bad hands. How anyone can bypass a beautiful 5-card minor and JUMP to  show a 4-card Major is beyond me. With that kind of bidding you will never achieve good results. 1st of all, don’t jump at your 1st bid as you are taking up valuable bidding room and to jump to a 4-card suit is terrible. Jumps should always be 5, 6 or 7 cards!

  When partner opens 1 ♦️ and you have a beautiful hand, you instantly know game is available but is there a slam. So you simply bid 2 ♣️ which shows 5 ♣️ and at least 11 points and is 1,000% forcing! Partner will bid 2 NT and you know bid 3 ♠️. He will bid 4 and you will ask for Ace’s. Now you can decide to bid a safe 6 ♠️ or an aggressive 6NT. 6 NT scores the better, BUT you don’t know yet how solid partner’s red suits are and might go down on the opening lead. I would bid 6 ♠️ and make it.

  Please stop showing the wrong shape for your hands. Bridge is difficult enough when you bid correctly. Good Luck and hope this helps.



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