Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - March 13, 2023 - Transfer or Stayman



E opens 1 NT and responder has 12 HCP with both majors and bids Stayman. Declarer has no 4-card majors and declines a suit by bidding 2D. Responder, having a 5-card S suit bids 3S. Opener, assuming it is a bid showing suit preference, passes. Should responder have bid the transfer or Stayman?


All the calls by both partners were correct until the auction ending Pass by Opener. Opener incorrectly interpreted the meaning of Responder 3S which is a game forcing bid. 

Responder bid of 3S promises exactly 5 spades & a game forcing hand. It also tells Opener that Responder has exactly 4 hearts which is the reason they bid Stayman first ("Stayman with Four"). 

Opener should next go to game in spades (with a 5-3 spade fit) or game in NT (with only a 5-2 spade fit). For the hand in question the proper bid would have been 4S.

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