Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - March 20, 2023 - Overcall


Question:  West opens and North has 18 HCP but no 5 card suits.  Should North overcall anyway?


Absolutely, I would overcall, holding the North hand. The primary goal would be to describe my hand to partner in as much detail as possible. 

My overcall option of choice would be either DBL (Advancer should treat it as Takeout) or 1NT (standard agreement would be 15-18 points). Difficult to pick a favorite between those two options, but DBL might be safer. 

It is reasonable to assume that West has at least 13 points. That means neither Responder (East) nor Advancer (South) can be very strong at all. Best North can hope for is that South has at length in at least one of the three unbid suits.  

If East subsequently bids, South should Pass & so should North. If East Passes & South bids, but does not jump, North should Pass. 

The bid shown above by North of 1D is a very poor choice of overcalls. It falsely promises at least five diamonds & fails to communicate additional details of distribution or point count. North should probably feel lucky that West got them off the hook by rebidding their clubs.

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