Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - April 3, 2023 - Avoiding a pass


Question:  South has a great hand and just wishing that North does not pass.  Could there be anything else South could have done to make sure North made a bid so South could continue the auction?


North has 4 HCPs (all of them unsupported "Quacks"). Why on earth would South want to continue the auction? 

Does South have a right to be disappointed that North proved to have less than 6 points? Of course.  Be that the case, should South regret that they did not have the chance to continue bidding?  Of course NOT! 

North/South deserve to make 3D for a score of +110. Had North made the very poor decision to bid, here is how I anticipate the auction unfolding. 

1D - Pass - 1H - Pass - 1S - Pass - 1NT or 2C - Pass - 3NT - Pass - Pass - Pass 

North/South deserve to go down one in 3NT for a score of - 50 (assuming they do not get DBLed for penalty). End of story.

 Gold Star Award to North for telling partner they had less than 6 points by passing. The two most dangerous lies you can make in bridge are to overvalue or undervalue your hand.

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