Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - March 27, 2023 - Preempt


A preempt is usually good for one bid.  However, both South and North have strong major suits.  Should both of them continue bidding?


  N was correct to open 1 ♥️ and I think E was correct to Pass. South has the 1st tough call and can bid 1 ♠️ but never bid again or he can tell partner his hand is good for nothing except ♠️ and jump to 2 ♠️. That shuts W out of any noise and they probably get it for 2 ♠️.  The problem with 1 ♠️ is that gave W an opportunity to bid even though he didn’t have a  valid reason to bid 2 ♦️(a horrible suit). The 1st  “rule of bridge” Is to “get out” on a misfit and STOP bidding, 2 ♠️ would have been great.

So the main point of this hand—stop bidding when you know you’re on a misfit!!!! Neither N or S should keep bidding. 2 ♠️ takes care of NS and should win the board. Although, if W doesn’t know how to bid and keeps bidding, double him!



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