Sunday, October 22, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - October 30, 2023 - NT or minor


Question:  This hand made 3NT but went down 1 in 5 spades. How does one know to go to 3NT instead of 5 clubs when you have so many clubs?


1st, when N bids 1 ♠️ he only promises a 4-card suit BUT when he bids 2 ♥️, ♠️ just became a 5-card suit-people learn that in a BB1 class. S has 3 ♠️ so will get the pair to 4 ♠️.

 4 ♠️ will not make every tme as the success depends on the lead, but it’s the right contract so even if it doesn’t make, the field will give you protection and the result won’t be a zero.

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