Sunday, October 15, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - October 23, 2023 - Preemptive Response

 Question:  This hand made 6 spades.  How does South determine to go to 6 spades after it appears North gives a preemptive stop bid at 4 spades?


I don't  believe "preemptive" is correct terminology for the 4S bid by North. But then, I am not an official card carrying member of the ACBL Word Police.  

If I were South, however, I would definitely consider 4S a "Drop Dead" bid. Holding a club loser & with no way to know if I have one or more additional losers in the heart suit or not, I would probably Pass as did South in the auction above. 

North knows they have at least 11 spades. North is also holding two "control" cards (their two Kings). Shame on them for jumping to 4S. Instead, North should make a forcing bid of some sort (2C perhaps?) to give South a chance to provide more information about the strength & distribution of their hand. 

Blame on this one for missing a cold slam rests squarely on North.

 Ain't bridge a great game?

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