Monday, October 9, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - October 16, 2023 - Minors

 Question:  Would South be better off in 3NT instead of 5 Clubs?


Answer: Only if they would not be upset to lose the first six tricks. If South signs off in 3NT instead of bidding 5C, that is exactly what deserves to happen. 

Versus 3NT in the South, it would be criminal if West did not lead their 4th highest heart (the Eight). Unless East messes up big time, EW will subsequently take six heart tricks off the top. They also deserve a 7th trick for the spade Ace. 

It would also be criminal for South to sign off in 3NT. And if they do, it would be a shame if they did not get the spanking they deserve. The excellent 3H cue bid by North denies a heart stopper & asks South to bid 3NT only if they do have a heart stopper.  

Playing in 3NT, NS deserve to be down three. Playing in 5C, NS deserve to make. 

Ain't bridge a great game?

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