Monday, October 2, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - October 9, 2023 - Game bid


Question: The optimum bid for this hand was 3NT.  How does South know to go to 3NT when North passed on the first bid?


Turns out 3NT does deserve to make, but it is NOT the optimum bid. The optimum bid award goes to either 4H or 4S, both of which also deserve to make.  

Bidding & making 3NT scores 400 points. Bidding & making 4H or 4S scores 420 points. Pretty meaningless difference in Social Bridge scoring. But could be the difference between a high board & a low board in Duplicate Bridge scoring.  

The 1NT call by North promises a maximum of 10 HCPs. South has a 16 point hand (15 HCPs + 1 Length Point). If North is at their maximum, game is a reasonable possibility.   

Over 1NT South could bid 2NT which would be invitational to game. Essentially, it would ask North to raise to game if they are at the top of their bid & Pass if they are not. Given their singleton diamond (the unbid suit - a likely opening lead), inviting game is definitely a risky decision by North.  

And given that NS have discovered they do not have a golden fit in either major, going to game in either hearts or spades is unlikely. 

I actually think the auction shown above is a very reasonable auction. 

Ain't bridge a great game? 


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