Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - October 10, 2022 - Systems On?

Question:  In this hand with interference by South, should one always play “systems on” so that Stayman and transfers are always available?


I think everyone should play systems on after interference. If an opponent overcalls 2 ♣️ either natural or showing a particular suit(s), I like my partner to double and it’s still Stayman!!! Very useful and hope you will start using it,

  Transfers are a little more tricky: If I want to transfer to ♥️ by bidding ♦️, and my opponent overcalls 2 ♦️, I would like to double and partner knows to transfer to ♥️.  And, if they bid 2 ♥️ and I wanted to transfer to ♠️, I want to double. It’s more difficult if I wanted to Relay to ♣️ or ♦️ by bidding 2 ♠️, and they bid 2 ♠️, I can no longer show my minor by bidding ♠️!!

  People should discuss these agreements if they want to try them. Be sure to discuss it and understand and agree to it!!!! It will give you very good results.

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