Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - October 24, 2022 - Stayman?



N has 16 HCP and opens 1 NT, responder has 6C and 6 HCP. Declarer has interpreted 2C response as suit preference and provides support. Is this the best place to be our are there greener pastures elsewhere?


South does not have enough points to bid 2 ♣️ even if it’s not stayman—must have a minimum of 8 points to bid over 1 NT. If NS has decided a method to get out of NT to play in a minor, they should use the relay method. A relay is to bid 2 ♠️ over 1NT and N would bid ♣️. South can pass if that is his minor or bid 3 ♦️ if that’s his minor. Responding to NT is to pass with 0-7 (unless they play transfers), invite with 8 or 8 and bid game with 10-15.  That’s very standard NT response!

Hope this helps,


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