Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - October 10, 2022 - Response to take out double

 Question:  South is looking at a take out double with a marginal hand.  Rather than bid with the marginal hand should South pass and force West to make a bid hoping North would again bid so that South could determine a better final bid?


South would like to be able to tell partner they have 6-10 points & a balanced hand. The perfect way to do that is to bid 1NT over East Takeout Dbl. So that is what I suggest South should do.  

A 2D bid by South promises a 5-card suit & more than single digit points. A Pass by South implies they have less than 6 points. Both of those bids misdescribe the South hand. 

I disagree with North opening bid of 1S which implies they have at least a 5-card spade suit (they do not). I would open the North hand 1C, hoping that South responds in either hearts or spades. 

Over a North opening bid of 1C, East will probably overcall 1D. South can now bid 1H (promising a 4-card heart suit & 6-10 points) & NS will have found their golden fit in hearts.

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