Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - October 24, 2022 - Weak Response


N has a strong heart opener with 17 HCP and 6 H. Responder has a weak hand that lacks trump support. What would be the suggested bidding pattern to get this hand to game?


I agree that South has a weak hand that lacks trump support. So why would either partner want to get to game? Looks to me like good defense would set 4H in the North by at least one trick, turning what could have been a positive score for NS into a negative score.  

I don't believe there is a sound bidding pattern that should get NS to game. So unless NS have a tendency to indulge in what I call Slot Machine bridge, I would expect a part score contract. 

I agree with the opening bid of 1H by North. 

I disagree with the bid of 2C by Responder. I would interpret 2C as promising at least 5 clubs & at least 11 points, neither of which South has. Holding the South hand, my first call would have been 1NT, promising 6-10 points.


Holding the North hand, my second call would have been 3H, promising a solid 6+ card heart suit & 17+ points. Lacking heart support & with only 7 HCPs, I believe South should Pass 3H, ending the auction.


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