Friday, November 10, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - November 27, 2023 - Slam



E has opened 1H and partner has responded 2C to indicate 10+ hcp. Would a bid of 2NT by W been a better bid? In NT the hand made 6NT, is this slam biddable?


 I seem to not be able to convince people they do NOT go to the 2-level with 10 points—6-10 is considered a minimum hand. You need 11 or more points to bid at the 2-level either as responder or as overcaller!!

 On this hand, 2 ♥️ is the perfect responseits always important to show partner when you have a 6-card Major. With only 5 ♥️, 2NT would be the correct response.

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