Monday, November 6, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - November 13, 2023 - Slam


Question: N/S have 30 HCP, bidding gets them to game in C, who should have pushed the bid to slam and what should they have bid?


I have NS with 31 HCPs. But, the way the hand was bid neither partner has any reason to believe they are that strong. 

 I suppose that over 5C, North could make what I call a "Ho Chunk" bid & roll the dice they can make slam in clubs. But North has two losers off the top in spades, plus two more losers in hearts with no particular reason to believe partner can cover those losers. So in my opinion, a raise to slam by North would definitely be pretty reckless.

 In point of fact, the hand was bid incorrectly from the git go. North is too strong to open 1NT (18 HCPs + 1 Length Point = a 19 point hand). North should open 1D, planning to make a jump bid in No Trump next. 

 South should be thinking No Trump, not Clubs. For bridge players, clubs are for the golf course & diamonds for their finger. My first bid over 1NT, holding the South hand, would be 3NT. That would not get them to slam either. But it would give them a much better score than playing in 5C.

 If North makes the correct opening bid of 1D, Responder (South) should bid 2C (forcing). North should subsequently jump to 4NT, promising a balanced hand & 18-19 HCPs. South would now have a reason to jump to slam in either Clubs or No Trump. 

 Turns out NS deserve to take all thirteen tricks in either Clubs or No Trump. But depending on the opening lead, they might have to play the diamonds incorrectly to take the 13th trick. Small slam in either Clubs or No Trump should not be a problem.

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