Friday, November 10, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - November 27, 2023 - Jump Shift



After partner has supported the opening heart bid, opener is faced with bidding a jump shift to indicate point or bidding game. What would you do?


Answer:  I would bid game, just as East did.

 Jumping to game in hearts shows a top of the line point count, just like a jump shift would show. But a jump shift would also show a two-suited hand & East does not have a two-suited hand. A jump shift would consequently be an inappropriate bid in this scenario. 

 When West raises to 2H they have shown heart support & capped their point count at less than a Limit Raise. That makes East the captain of the auction. East knows they belong in game & it is consequently now their duty to bid game. 

 Remember:  "The stronger than hand the slower the bidding, until you know & then you go". 

 Over the jump to 4H by East, I would expect a less experienced West to Pass. 

 A more experienced West, knowing they have 4-card heart support (not just 3-card) & also a singleton diamond Ace, might choose to continue the auction with a control bid of 5D. This would promise first round control of diamonds in some partnership agreements. In other partnership agreements it might promise first or second round control of diamonds. It would also invite opener to consider the possibility of slam.

 I am unsure if East would opt to raise to slam or not. But it turns out EW do deserve to make 6H.

Ain't bridge a great game?

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