Friday, November 10, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - November 20, 2023 - Lead


Question:  What is the best lead?


Defending against a suit contract, inexperienced players seem to have an overwhelming compulsion to lead from doubletons. Because, I suspect, they are imagining voiding themself in that suit & subsequently scoring a ruff. This is badly flawed logic at best. 

 For West to score a diamond ruff, diamonds would have to be led three times. And by the 3rd diamond lead West would need to still have a trump left to ruff with. Facing a competent Declarer, that is highly unlikely to happen, unless Declarer wanted it to happen.

 Unless they are leading a suit partner bid during the auction, leading from a doubleton vs a suit contract tends to be a very poor choice. In this particular case the card led was an unsupported honor, making the choice to lead it even worse.

 Generally speaking, leading from length is much better than leading from shortness. Holding the West hand, I would have been inclined to lead the spade Five (Bottom of Something). Some would lead the spade Six (4th Highest).

 Subsequent to a low spade lead by West, good EW defenders will take the first 5 tricks. South deserves only 6 tricks total for down two.

 Ain't bridge a great game?

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