Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - December 25, 2023 - Bid



How could N/S indicate the good fit in clubs?


The declaring side (NS) missed getting to a makeable game in NT. Turns out they actually deserve two overtricks (almost slam). One could argue shared responsibility, but in fact Responder (North) was the major culprit.

 The 1NT first call by Responder denies 4 hearts (which they have). Their first priority is to show the hearts. It also caps their HCPs at 10 (they have 12). A first call of 1H would promise at least 4 hearts & would NOT cap their point count (it would promise 6+).

 The 2C second call by Opener (South) promises 6 clubs (correct), but also implies they are at the lower end (13-14) of their promised opening bid point count. Adding length points, I count the South hand at 16 points (14 + 2). My choice for a second call would have been 3C.

 Responder then drops the ball big time yet again, by passing on their second chance to call. Responder knows they have a TEN CARD club fit. They need to raise Opener's clubs, either to 3C or to game (5C). My no-brainer choice of the two club raise options would have been 3C (keeping 3NT available as an option for Opener). 

 Actually, knowing the ten card club fit, my second call as Responder over 2C might very well have been to simply bid 3NT & be done with it. South needs to have points somewhere other than in clubs. 

 Had the second call by South been 3C, my second call as Responder would definitely have been 3NT, rather than raise to game in clubs.

 Turns out NS deserve to make 5NT. They also deserve to make 5C. 

 Bizarrely enough, NS also deserve to make 4H. Look at the hands again & tell whether you think any NS would find a 4H contract (they hold six hearts - Queen high).

 Ain't bridge a great game?

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