Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - December 4, 2023 - NT Response


Question: Should W support NT ?


West did support NT. They supported it by Passing.

 The bid of NT by East at the lowest available level (1NT) promised partner that East had a standard opening hand (no extra values). Given the promise of no extra values in the East hand, it is perfectly reasonable for West to set the contract at 1NT by Passing.

 East, however, did have extra values. East needed to tell partner that with their second call. My second call holding the East hand would have been 3C. In addition to promising extra values (16-17 pts) 3C also tells partner East has six clubs. Armed with that knowledge, I would expect West to set the contract at game (3NT).

 Turns out EW do deserve to make 3NT. They also deserve to make 4C, but why they would want to play in clubs rather than NT is beyond me.

 Ain't bridge a great game?

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