Friday, December 15, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Mark Olsky - January 15, 2024 - Slam


Question:  We made 7NT.  Was there a way to bid 7?


When E opens 2NT W knows the combined HCP for the partnership is 36 or 37 points. W was on the right track to make sure that the potentially missing 4 points aren't in the form of an ace. When E responds 4NT (3 aces) to the Gerber convention (Nice bid!) W can bid 5 clubs to be sure that all kings are accounted for. With the solid diamond suit, you can be almost sure that 13 tricks are there for the taking or might need a bit of good play and card reading to make 7. W had the right idea but lost confidence at the last moment. 7NT isn't guaranteed, but so very likely. There aren't many opportunities to bid and make a grand slam, sso I'd say go for it! 

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