Friday, December 8, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - January 1 , 2024 - Forcing Bids


Question: Explain forcing bids.


Ideally, forcing bids are a topic you would have time to discuss with partner prior to game time. Not all bidding systems & not all partnerships play them the same. So I suppose the most realistic answer to your question is:  It Depends. 

In pretty much all bidding systems the 1H bid by Responder (West) would be designated as forcing. Some partnerships might agree that the 1S rebid by Opener (East) is also forcing. Other partnerships would treat the 1S rebid as not forcing.  

Note that even though spades is a higher ranking suit, the fact the rebid is still at the one level means it should not be treated as a Reverse. 

East could have pretty much removed all doubt about whether their rebid was forcing or not by jumping to 2S. It would be reasonable for Responder to assume that a jump shift rebid by Opener was promising 4 spades & 19+ HCPs. Be that the case, Responder should consider it forcing to game. 

Turns out EW deserve to make 4NT. They also deserve to make 5S, courtesy of the 3-3 spade split (36%) in NS. 

Ain't bridge a great game? 

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