Friday, December 15, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - January 22, 2024 - Jump Shift



1. Should N jump shift to Diamonds instead of supporting Hearts?

2. After the 3D jump shift, what is the bidding sequence to explore slam? 


Answer to Question 1

I believe I know what you are asking, but I am going to rephrase your question.  

Why? Because South (not North) is the one "supporting" hearts.

 Rephrased Question: Should North end the auction by jumping to game in hearts? Or should North jump shift to diamonds to show a big hand & suggest the possibility of slam? 

Answer: I am guessing most (all) experienced players would jump shift to diamonds. 

Why? Picture South with the heart King & the club King. Be that the case, the North hand has a very realistic chance at small slam in hearts. So, even though the 2H bid by South promises less than a Limit Raise point count, it is possible that South has those two critical cards. 

Turns out, South does have those two critical cards. And, played in the North, 6H does deserve to make. 

Over a jump shift to 3D, I suspect many experienced partners would find slam. Ruling out a reckless roll of the dice (Ho Chunk) bid, however, I suspect most inexperienced partners would not.  

If NS are inexperienced players, I suspect the contract would end up at 4H, regardless of the choice of second calls by North. 

 Ain't bridge a great game?

 Answer to Question 2

Playing in a heart contract, North has first round control of all 4 suits. They also have second round control of spades & diamonds. South has second round control of clubs & hearts.  

Highly experienced players have cue bidding agreements that enable them to explore for slam by telling partner about these "controls". The details of those agreements are complex & vary from one partnership to another.  

Inexperienced players have few, if any, cue bidding agreements. In the absence of complex cue bidding agreements, I see no way to "explore" for slam. 

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