Friday, December 15, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Rich Nordeng - January 15, 2024 - Five Card Major


Question:  Looking at other hands, when N opened 1NT.  E-W stayed out of the auction.  When N opened 1H, E-W won 2S.  Is there a situation when a five card major should be bid instead of NT?


I recommend opening 1NT on the vast majority of hands with 15-17hcp and 5-3-3-2 distribution. Probably would open 1 of the major with 15hcp. a strong major and two very weak short suits. With 5-4-2-2 distribution I would tend to open one of the major except when significant points in both doubletons.

On the example I would open 1NT as North. Over 1NT, EW should still find their spade partial. For example, playing Capaletti E should bid 2H over 1nt, showing both majors. That will enable W to compete to 2, or even 3 spades. 

If EW reach 2 spades, South should probably compete to 3 diamonds.

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