Friday, December 15, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - January 15, 2024 - Jacoby 2NT


Question:  Some people play 2NT as natural after a major bid and some play Jacoby 2NT.  What the advantages and disadvantages?


I am not sure how an expert would answer the question posed above. But, I believe the major advantage of Jacoby 2NT is that it facilitates the identification of various features pertinent to deciding whether or not to go to slam. I believe that advantage outweighs any potential disadvantages of giving up 2NT as a natural bid. 

I assume the 2NT call by Responder (North) in the above auction is Jacoby 2NT. If so, Responder is promising Opener (South) 4-card heart support plus at least an opening strength hand of their own. A nine card golden fit is much stronger than an eight card golden fit. And a hand of at least opening strength also suggests the potential for slam. 

The second call of 3C by Opener was not the proper response to Jacoby 2NT. Opener's  second call should have been 3S, promising a singleton or void in spades. Shortness in either hand is a distributional feature that also suggests the potential for slam.  

The spade singleton/void means Responder can anticipate one spade loser at most. They can also expect that Opener must have HCPs in clubs & diamonds. 

Subsequent to a second call of 3S by Opener, I would expect most experienced pairs to reach a small slam in hearts. They would do so via control bids, Blackwood, or a combination of both. 

Turns out 6H does deserve to make. 

Ain't bridge a great game?

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