Friday, March 1, 2024

Weekly Hand Analysis - Mark Olsky - March 25, 2024 - Responsibility



I think North was slightly cautious, but bid very reasonably. The 2 spade bid was not forcing and suggested 6 spades but didn’t necessarily promise it. South is forced to bid over 2 diamonds and might not have a better option. I think South was much too cautious to bid only 2 spades. In an expert game there would not be any votes for 2 spades. I’d expect the votes/bids to be split between 3 spades and 4, over 2 diamonds and 100% would  go to 4 on the actual auction. That’s a 7 card suit headed by AK, a powerful suit that should be re- evaluated positively after partner bid 2 diamonds and S has a King. 3 spades was a voluntary invitation and South should be quick to make amends for underbidding on the previous round.

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