Friday, March 29, 2024

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - May 13, 2024 - Slam



Answer: This hand does not deserve to make slam. So I guess it follows that it does not deserve to be bid/played in slam. 

 If West has the opening lead, I would expect them to lead the heart Ace. If East has the opening lead, I would expect them to lead the heart Ten. That means playing in a suit contract, NS deserve to lose the first two tricks. Playing in a no trump contract, NS deserve to lose the first four tricks. 

 The second call by North is flawed. It should be 3D (not 3C). The 3C second call promises a two-suited hand. North does not have a two-suited hand. North has a single-suited hand. A 3D second call would have told partner North has six diamonds.

 The third call by North is also flawed. It should be 4S (not 3NT) to reflect the golden fit in spades. NS deserve to make 5S (450 pts), but only 3NT (400 pts).


Ain't bridge a great game?


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