Friday, March 29, 2024

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - April 29, 2024 - Stayman


Question: Is it ok to bid Stayman in this situation?


No, East does not have a Stayman hand.  

A typical partnership agreement is that a Stayman bid should promise a 4-card major & at least 8 points. The East hand above has neither. 

 Some partners agree on specific "Garbage Stayman" scenarios in which Responder can make a Stayman bid with less than 8 points. The East hand above does not meet any Garbage Stayman scenarios of which I am aware.

 By the way, assuming EW are playing the commonly agreed upon 15-17 point standard, West is too strong to open 1NT. I would open the West hand 1C.

 The following are all makeable contracts for EW:  4C    3D    1H    2S    3NT

 Ain't bridge a great game?

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