Friday, March 1, 2024

Weekly Hand Analysis - Rich Nordeng - March 18, 2024- 5 Card Suit


Question:  Do you always need a 5-card suit to overcall?


Occasionally it’s alright to overcall at the one level on a four-card suit. All the following conditions should be met:

1. The overcaller’s hand has opening strength or better (12+ hcp and 2+quick tricks);

2. The overcall suit is “chunky “, approximately KQTx or better;

3. Overcaller has length (four or more) in the suit opened on the right. 

The reason for this third condition may not be immediately apparent. It’s this: partner may well raise with three-card support. When the opponents lead opener’s suit you want to ruff in the hand with three trumps so as to maintain trump control. In other words, you want partner to be short in opener’s suit. The odds strongly favor that when you have length in that suit.

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