Friday, March 1, 2024

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - March 25, 2024 - Jump Shift versus Jump Raise



On the Convention Card, 3C is referred to as a "Double Raise" (not a Jump Raise). It can be marked as "Forcing" or "Invitational" or "Weak". So I am not sure what EW mean by "strong".

The most common agreement, by far, for a Double Raise (not in competition) is "Invitational" (10-12 Pts). 

Partners can agree that a jump to a different suit (Jump Shift) by Responder (West), is either "Weak" or "Not Weak". In Competition the common agreement is Weak (no alert required if that is how you play it). Not in Competition the common agreement is Not Weak (must be alerted if played as Weak). 

Weak or Not Weak, a Jump Shift by Responder promises a 5-card suit. West does not have a 5-card suit other than clubs. A Jump Shift would consequently be dangerously misleading.  

My first choice of calls holding the West hand would be 3NT. That would be after taking a deep breath & hoping that either Opener had a heart stopper or that hearts would not be led.  

West knows the partnership should have more than enough points for game. Giving East a bid they can Pass is a shame. And that is exactly what East did. Holding the East hand, I would also have passed 3C. 

Turns out EW deserve to make 5NT. They can also make 5C or 4S. 

 Ain't bridge a great game?

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