Saturday, March 16, 2024

Weekly Hand Analysis - Rich Nordeng - April 1, 2024 - Slam



North opens one spade. South bids two hearts, game-forcing with five or more hearts. North jump rebids to three spades, forcing and showing a spade suit that will be good as trump opposite a small singleton. 

South should now realize he has strong slam potential. Qx of spades is excellent support on this auction. Plus South has excellent controls for slam: AK of Clubs and A of hearts. Start cue bidding controls with 4C, the cheapest cue bid available. North should realize this is a cue bid with spades agreed as trump, for South should not be proposing clubs as trump when North has promised a self-sufficient spade suit.

North now cue bids 4D and South cue bids the A of hearts. 
North now can bid 5H to promise the king, a critical card because it helps set up partner’s heart suit.

North-South now know they have an excellent play for at least Six Spades. 

South should not sign off too quickly. Partner still doesn’t know about the king of clubs or queen of spades..

The bidding goes to six, or even seven, spades.

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