Saturday, March 16, 2024

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - April 22, 2024 - Response



No, North should not have bid 2D. Their 1NT bid was appropriate.

 It is true that "two-suited" paints a better picture of the North hand than "balanced". But diamonds are a higher ranking suit than clubs. That means a second call of 2D by North would be a "Reverse", which would be a significant overvaluation of their hand. The bare minimum South would have a right to expect is 17 HCPs. 

Turns out NS deserve to make either 1C or 1D. Their EW opponents deserve to make 1NT or 2S or 3H.  

Holding the East hand, l would have overcalled 1S. Wonder where the auction would have gone from there? 

Ain't bridge a great game?

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