Friday, May 26, 2023

Super Subs for Monday Afternoon Face-to-Face Bridge

New Program for Monday noon F2F Players at the club!  Thank you to Errol Hartman!!!! 

Errol  has brought our old Super Sub System back.  How it works:  Go to this link:  

A calendar will appear showing what days are available for you to sub and you sign up by typing your name on that date. 

You arrive at the club no later than 11:40 and play with someone who does not have a partner. If there is not a single for you to play with, you can play with the Director IF it fills out the movement. The Director cannot create a half table and instead will give you a $6 free play to use at any time you choose. The free play is our way of saying thanks for helping to make our Monday game better. We appreciate so much your willingness to play with a new partner and to help make everyone feel that they are a valued member of our bridge community. A nice surprise in the past was that some very good partnerships were formed by being open to a new venue!

See You At The Tables,

Glenna, Monday Director

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