Monday, May 22, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - May 29, 2023 - No Slam

 Question:  Other people playing this hand made 6 Clubs.  Is there anyway East can determine to have a club bid on the 3rd bid based on the bidding sequence?


Given that East has bid both diamonds & hearts, I think it is fair for East to assume that the 3C call by West is showing an actual club suit (4+ cards) & not just a club stopper.  

Now East must decide whether to bid 3NT or raise the club suit. Given that East is void in spades, 3NT would be a pretty high risk bid. A raise to 4C or even 5C would be much safer. If East bids only 4C, I would expect West to raise to game.

If EW are playing the version of Blackwood called Roman Key Card 1430, a decision by East to bid 4NT over 3C would probably get them to slam. My computer tells me EW deserve to take all 13 tricks in either clubs or hearts.

 What East should not do on their third chance to call is Pass.

 A very difficult hand for less experienced players to find slam in. I suspect most experienced players probably would. 

Ain't bridge a great game?


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