Monday, May 8, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - May 15, 2023 - Diamond, hearts, NT


Question:  With the diamonds and hearts bid by North and South, should 2NT and 3NT be a good bid or should they have been in diamonds or hearts?


Do not rebid 5-card MINORs! Bid NT instead—fewer tricks for less chance of bad results!!! 

The bidding should go 1 ♦️  by S, 1 ♥️ by N, 2 ♣️ E 2NT by S and 3 NT by N! 

You must stop rebidding 5-card minors and bid NT if possible. Nobody cares if you have a 5-card major. When you can bid NT, bid IT! Partner can’t! 

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