Monday, May 8, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - May 15, 2023 - NT or minor?


Question:  This hand made either 3NT or 6 Diamonds.  How do you decide to go with a minor instead of NT?


More often than not, I would expect a long minor suit to cause both partners to focus on the possibility of a NT contact which requires only nine tricks for game. On occasion, however, game or even slam in the minor suit should take preference. This is one of those occasions.

 Their two singletons, neither of which may take a trick, should render South highly skeptical of a NT contract. And if South knows that North likes their diamonds, they should definitely be considering a diamond slam. Unfortunately, South does not know that.

 The bid by North of 2NT on their second chance to call is flawed. It is true they have a balanced hand, but that hand has no stopper in either hearts or diamonds. A better idea would have been to tell South they like diamonds by raising to 3D. Game or slam in diamonds here we come.

 By bidding 2NT, North is actually implying they do not like diamonds. Based on their bidding, I would picture North to have two or fewer diamonds.

 South's bidding is also flawed. South has a two-suited hand. My second call holding the South hand would have been 2C, planning to rebid the diamonds next. That bidding sequence would suggest 5-5 or 6-5 or 6-4 distribution. 

 Over 2NT I would encourage South to bid diamonds a third time. If North still insists on NT by raising to 3NT, so be it.

The 3NT contract does not deserve to make. A lead of the heart Ace, followed by the Jack, followed by the Six puts NS down two before they even get the lead. 

Ain't bridge a great game?

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