Monday, May 22, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - June 12, 2023 - 2NT Response



E/W are each holding 13 HCP. Should E have responded 2 NT to opener’s 1H opening bid to indicate the 13 HCP instead of bidding the C?


It depends. What does it depend on? The partnership agreement.

 A very common agreement is that 2NT by Responder over an opening 1H or 1S is a conventional bid called Jacoby 2NT. A Jacoby 2NT bid promises 4-card trump support & at least an opening hand (13+ points).

 Lacking an agreement to play Jacoby 2NT, I would expect 2NT to show 2-card trump support & 13-15 points. But would be dependent on partnership agreement also. 

 Given that East has only a singleton heart, I see nothing wrong with their bid of 2C which promises at least 5 clubs & 11+ HCPs. I heartily approve of the raise to 3C by West. East, however, now dropped the ball big time by passing.

 It is reasonable for East to believe the partners have enough points for game. It is also reasonable for East to believe the partners might be able to take six tricks off the top in clubs. Over 3C, I would encourage East to bid 3NT.

 My hand analysis program tells me EW deserve to make 5NT or 4H or 5C. All are of course game bids, but 5NT scores the highest & 5C the lowest. 

 Clubs are for the golf course. Diamonds are for your finger. Ain't bridge a great game?  



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