Monday, May 15, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - May 22, 2023 - Preempt or Pass?

Question: South has 7 spades but East bid spades first.  Should South think about a preempt in spades or is the Pass a good bid in this instance?


Once E bids ♠️, S cannot preempt in ♠️!!!! He has a nice (ugly) surprise for the opponents. Actually E misbid. We go up the ladder with 4-card suits so E’s correct bid is 1 ♥️. We would bid ♠️ 1st if there were 5 of them, but not 4. Now W can raise ♥️ as they have found a fit, but by bidding 1 ♠️, we have messed up the auction!

Hope this helps as always,



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