Monday, May 15, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - May 22, 2023 - Spades or NT?


Question:  This contract made 3NT but most of the other bids that were made were 4S.  Should North have doubled hearts and thus encouraged spades?


It is against the rules of bridge to DBL your partner. So NO, North should not have DBLed hearts. The result would have been a Director call & some very messy restrictions on how the auction could proceed from there.

My computer program tells me that NS deserve to take eleven tricks in spades, but only ten tricks in NT. That means 5S would be the top scoring contract. But given NS has only a 7-card fit in spades, I am not sure how/why so many would end up in a spade contract. 

 In the auction above, the second call of 2C by North denies four spades. So South knows there is no golden fit in spades. 

 The 2C bid is also flawed in that it does not promise extra values. A better second call by North would have been a jump to 3C. I would expect South to follow a jump to 3C with a contract setting bid of 3NT.

 My second call holding the North hand would have been 2D. That is a Reverse showing extra values & a two-suited hand with diamonds shorter than clubs. It does not show six clubs, just that clubs are longer (maybe only five). Once again, I would expect South to follow with a contract setting bid of 3NT.

 Ain't bridge a great game?


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