Monday, May 22, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - June 12, 2023 -18 HCP


W has 18 HCP and opens 1S, E has 7 HCP with 3S and bids 2S. W bids 3S and E bids 4S by adding the value of the void. The hand went down 2. During the auction should E have responded 2H to opener’s 1S bid?


The bidding was PERFECT!!! You cannot bid 2 ♥️ unless you have 11 or more high card points. You can’t count a void to respond because you don’t know if the void is good or bad.  Too bad you don’t have the play of the hand because I tried to see how you could go down on the hand. A ♣️ lead makes it a little harder, but I think  4 ♠️ should make. 

Hope this helps.



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