Monday, May 22, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - May 29, 2023 - Transfer?


N has 16 HCP and opens 1 NT, S only has 4 HCP but is holding 6H. The INT bid went down 3, would a transfer to 2H been a better bid?


  When partner opens 1NT, our mind should immediately say I am balanced and bid my hand according to balanced style with however many points. We have a very strict standard for responding to NT with balanced hands.

  When partner opens 1NT and our mind says I am unbalanced with this number of points, we bid the style that shows both the shape and the points in one (1) bid. How cool is that???

We hold 5 or more cards in the major, we transfer to that major and our NEXT bid shows number of cards in the Major and number of points!!! What a beautiful system we have at our disposal. 

  When we take a BB1 class, we learn how to bid with balanced and unbalanced hands. Think people need to read or take lessons to know how to handle the most basic of hands. There is no excuse for having  partner struggle with no points and a beautiful 6-card suit that can’t be reached. You owe your partner certain standards for bidding and if you choose to play bridge, you need to know those basic bids. Classes are offered continuously and you must take one or learn how to bid these basic hands if you want to play. No partner wants to be passed in a NT when partner has a 5-card major!!!!! Let along a 6-card Major!!!!


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