Monday, May 22, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - June 5, 2023 - Game



N has 14 HCP and opens 1C, S has a flat hand and 10 HCP and bids 1 NT. N passes and the hand makes 3 NT. Any suggestions on how they could have gotten to game?


Allow me to answer your question with a question. Why would North want to get to game? 

The 1NT response by South denies 4 hearts or 4 spades & probably 4 diamonds as well. It also tends to deny 5 clubs & promises a maximum of 10 HCPs. With no promise of a running suit, a singleton diamond, & a maximum of 24 HCPs between the two hands, I see no reason for North to do anything other than Pass 1NT just like they did. 

My Dealmaster Pro program tells me that NS deserve to take only seven tricks in NT. So making 3NT was a gift, courtesy of flawed defense by EW.  

DealPro tells me that NS also deserve to make 1S or 2C or 2H. Their EW opponents on the other hand deserve to take nine tricks in diamonds.   

Ain't bridge a great game?

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