Sunday, August 21, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - September 5, 2022 - Overcall



S has made a 1H opening bid, W overcalls with a 6 card holding in S. E bids 2 D to indicate 10+ HCP.

 W bids 2 S to indicate a 6 card suit. Should E have raised to 3 S or 4 S ?


W                          N                           E                            S

                                                                                          1 ♥️

1 ♠️                      P                            2NT                       P

3 ♠️                         P                            ??          


This is a great hand for discussion. Several important points: 

  • E must bid 2NT, NOT 2 ♦️2 ♦️ show 11+ points and 5 or more GOOD ♦️
  • On the other hand 2 NT shows 11 or 12 balanced. W shows a 6-card suit and NOT enough points to bid game. E has to decide if his partner is an ok declarer or a great one.

If partner plays the ♦️ Q on opening lead, S will go down. If partner plays a low ♦️ and S’s A wins the trick, S makes the bid.

So the bad news is, you have to have some good points with cards in the right places and partner to be a good declarer. We can NEVER get it all correct. But, it’s certainly fun to try to decide

Hope this helps,


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