Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - August 29, 2022 - Interference



South opens the bidding with 12 HCP and 6 C with a bid of 1C. Responder is holding 17 HCP and a void in C and bids 2S indicating at least 16 HCP. 

E tries to interfere but the Diamond holdings are not very useful. 

N bids 4 S and they wind up going down 1.

How do you think the bidding should have progressed?


South opened 1 ♣️ so North knows South has 13 or more points. You add 1 length point for every card over 4 in a suit so S had a full opener.

North should not have bypassed a beautiful 6-card suit. 

A pass after interference shows a bad hand. A bid, cuebid, bid of a new  suit, etc. all show good hands. Pass says maybe I shouldn’t have opened. N must recognize all the options S faced and passed. The negative inference is often just as important or MORE important than a positive inference. Bid your suits up the line except when you’re 5-5, 6-5 etc. Then you bid your longer suit first. When partner opens and then passes at his 1st opportunity, he’s showing a bad hand.

So, let's see how the bidding should have gone:

  1. South opens with 1♣️
  2. North responds with 1 ♥️
  3. East bids ♦️ 
  4. South  rebids their ♣️ and goes to 4♣️. 
  5. North knows South has the clubs covered and with North's club void, North can bid 4 ♥️ comfortably, which is a beautiful contract.

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