Monday, August 8, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - August 15, 2022 - Response



This hand looks like it might have some possibilities but no one seemed to find a “fit”. 

Any ideas to help with the re-evaluation process after the initial bids? 

(FYI: the  2H bid went down 1)


Actually, 2H appears to be a good contract. One could imagine it being defended in a number of different ways, but looks to me like it deserves to make, but not with any overtricks.

North has 19 HCPs & a good 6-card heart suit. A classic way to show this hand as Overcaller is to first DBL (Advancer should treat it as for Takeout), then on their second chance to call ignore Advancer’s response & bid their heart suit.

 Below is how I would picture the auction:


W                          N                           E                            S

1D                         DBL                       1S                          Pass

2D                         2H                         Pass                        Pass


 In the example shown North got to 2H by simply opening, then rebidding, their heart suit. This approach does not promise quite as strong a hand as the approach I suggested. 

Turns out, however, that Responder’s spade bid made it unlikely the spade QJ in the north hand was really worth 3 HCPs.

 Some excellent players in fact will count only 2 HCPs for a QJ doubleton right from the get go, unless partner bids spades.


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