Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - September 12, 2022 - Response


This is a question about the bid after the initial bid and response were made. 

E has 10 HCP but can get to opening count based on length and when partner indicates more than 10 HCP with the 2D bid how many points could declarer add for the void? 

Should E have bid 3S instead of 2S to invite game? 

Thankfully responder bid the game in S which made 5


  On this hand, I would open 1 ♠️ and after partner’s 2 bid, I would rebid 2 ♥️. This hand is cold for 5 and if they don’t do their best, it will make 6. People should always try to show their hand pattern or shape so that the partnership can get to the best contract. If opener rebids 2 ♥️, partner will recognize that ♦️ suit is wonderful.

A hand like this is too powerful to just Rebid 2 ♠️! The 2 ♠️ rebid says I have a very minimum hand so don’t push me around. There’s an old saying that when you are 5-5, COME ALIVE. Can you image having this powerful hand.

Hope it helps,


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